Want to make your house look more spacious than it is? Almost all of us have the urge to have a big house. We may not be able to fulfill this wish instantly, but we can surely fake it.
So, here are some simple tricks to make your rooms look bigger.

Light and soft tones for paints:

Light colors like white, beige, pastels, and light grey make the room look spacious. Dark colors absorb light and make the rooms even smaller. Soft shades reflect light and trick our eyes into perceiving the reflection and increased size, making the room look bigger.
In this case, white is the best option. You can also go for soft blues, greens, or any other bright color. Remember the key, the brighter the paint, the bigger the rooms will look.
Choice of furniture:

Don’t put a lot of furniture in the room, instead put a few, but big pieces. This will create the perception that the furniture is not occupying much space. The color of the furniture must be in contrast with the color of the walls, but don’t choose dark colors. Try to install one or two pieces of furniture having the same color as the color of the walls. The presence of soft and brighter shades will maximize the reflection of light.
Remember, large furniture doesn’t mean bulky. You can use foldable tables and sofas with open arms and exposed legs to filter more light. Place the furniture at some angle but don’t block the path
Lighting- the transformation factor:

The room should be well lit. You can use natural as well as artificial lighting for this purpose. Big windows will allow a great amount of light to come in, making a direct connection with the outdoors and creating an optical illusion of a big, airy room.
If you don’t have a large window in the room, you can use lamps and lighting fixtures with bright lights to make your small room look bigger.
Curtains make a huge difference:
Use light-weighted sheer curtains with soft hues. Heavy and dark window covers will decrease the amount of natural light coming inside. Light weighted or sheer curtains will maintain the airy vibe. Soft hues will help the curtains to blend in with the room.
A point of focus:
At this point, you must have realized that making your small room look bigger is just a game of perception. Well, here is a trick to elevate this illusion. Draw the attention of eyes towards one area of the room- making it the show stopper. Put furniture and statement décor pieces over there. Keep the décor of the rest of the room subtle and minimal. The focal point will attract the eyes towards itself making the room feel bigger and airier.
The impact of mirrors, glass, and transparent materials:
Reflective surfaces are a great way to enhance the optical illusion of making your room look big. You can use mirror frames of large sizes for the illusional enlargement of your room. Mirrors not only trick into making your room look spacious but also make it more glammed up. Use dining tables and coffee tables with glass or mirror surfaces, this will help a lot. Materials like Lucite are also effective in this case.
Remove the clutter:
Don’t keep anything extra in your room. Keep the room clean and neatly organized. Don’t over-accessorize and keep the floor as clear as possible. Stay minimal with the walls and don’t put a lot of paintings and pictures.


Author pakresidence

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