To see the colorful flowers bloom after the departure of winter is quite joyful. The spring season not only spreads colors but also spreads positivity and tranquility. The blossoming petunias and dahlias are an alluring sight for all.

The best way to welcome spring is to transform your lawn into a mini spring treat. The preparation won’t be done in one night. It will require your time, attention, and care. Let’s take a look at the steps which will transform your ordinary lawn into a beautiful garden.

Clean your lawn:

Remove all the leaf litter, broken branches, and soil detritus, and collect all the other things littering your lawn like gravels, needles, barks, twigs, etc. The cleaning step should be done by the end of winter. Some of the cleanings can be done with your hands while you can use a fan rake for the removal of detritus and leaves.

Rake properly:

Raking is done to remove soil debris, level the soil, and make it ready for cultivation. The main purpose of raking is to remove the thatch. If you don’t know, thatch is a layer of dead and living turfgrass tissues lying between the grass layer and the soil surface. If this layer is too thick, it can be unhealthy for the soil.

Rake properly to break and eliminate this turfgrass tissue layer. Raking wakes up your soil and makes it fresh for the growth of new plants. But don’t rake too deeply as it affects the fertility of the soil.

Aeration for a new life:

Aeration is a method in which small holes are made in the soil by using a soil aerator. These holes help air, water, and various other nutrients to go deeper. Aeration decreases compaction and helps the nutrients in reaching the roots for their better and healthy growth. It also ensures the richness and fertility of the soil.

Fill the bald spots:

Your lawn may be having bare patches due to many reasons including negligence. The most common way of filling up these bare patches is overseeding. It is a method of sowing seeds over land with already grown grass. You can only apply put seeds in the bare patches but overseeding is preferred as it keeps your grass healthy and thick.

Don’t forget to apply a starter fertilizer while overseeding your lawn. Although this procedure can be performed in spring the fall season is still preferred.

Get rid of the weeds:

Weeds destroy the health of plants and damage the looks of the garden. You should keep both a pre-emergent killer and a post-emergent killer to get rid of the weeds. Pre-emergent weed killer is applied right after raking the prevention of weeds to sprout. Later on, if weeds still happen to grow, you can apply a post-emergent weed killer.


Fertilizing your yard is a vital step while preparing it for the spring season yet it should be done at the right time. If you apply the fertilizer too early, it will trigger the growth of weeds. Therefore, it is suggested to apply the weedkillers first and the fertilizers later.

You can fertilize your lawn organically with compost or mulch. You can also go for chemical-based fertilizers.

Tune up your lawnmower:

Even when your plants and grass are all grown and ready for the happening spring season, you’ll still need tools for their maintenance and trimming. In this regard, a lawnmower is a protagonist!

Those who are fond of gardening usually own lawnmowers but they may have gotten rusty because of being idle due to winters. So, all you need to do is prepare and tune up all your gardening tools including the lawnmower.

Gardening is, all in all, a very healthy activity. If you’re into it and you want to achieve perfection, these tips will help you a lot. By just following these small steps you can make a piece of heaven of your own, in your own house.


Author pakresidence

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